Greetings! This is Tim S. Liang | 梁爽


I obtained my Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University, advised by Prof. Shengjun Yuan and Prof. Shunping Zhang. I also spent a wonderful time as an Machine Learning Engineer intern at Beijing Rama Alpaca Technology Company in the last semester of my undergraduate study.

Please contact me via:

Email: or

You may also follow my WeChat Official Account @Pandas Secret Garden, it’s a place for me to update some pieces of my daily life and share some of my ideas. (Articles from my WeChat Official Account are Chinese only.)

What’s new:

[June 22nd, 2024] 🎓Graduation@WHU: Received my Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Wuhan University. I am more than grateful to have received guidance and enlightenment in computational physics and AI4Sci from Prof. Shengjun Yuan, and guidance in experimental optoelectronics from Prof. Shunping Zhang in my undergraduate studies.
[Feb. 2nd, 2024] 🧑‍💻Internship@Rama Alpaca: I just started to be an MLE research intern at Beijing Rama Alpaca Co. Ltd. in the spring semester under the supervision of Dr. Guo Zhang from MIT, collaborating with Prof. Yingcong Chen@HKUST and Prof. Yuan Yuan@Boston College.
[Feb. 9th, 2023] 🧑‍💻Research@CPCS-WHU: I’ve joined Prof. Shengjun Yuan’s group at Wuhan University as a research assistant this semester!
[Feb. 14th, 2022] 🔬Research@Xu Lab-WHU: I’ve just joined Prof. Shunping Zhang’s lab at Wuhan University for undergraduate research!


School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University.
B.S. in Physics
Dissertation: Constructing Tight-binding Model Based on Deep Learning
(Sept. 2020 - Jun. 2024)


1. "Saturable Absorption of Few-layer $\mathrm{WS_{2}}$ and $\mathrm{WSe_{2}}$ at Exciton Resonance",
Shuang Liang, Yuze Lu, Haimu Liu, Xiaohe Shang, Jiamin Ji, Rongguang Du, Yiling Yu and Shunping Zhang*.
Under review at $Optica\ Optics\ Express$ (JCR Q1).

Github Stats

Selected Outreach and Service (Undergraduate)

Publicity Ambassador (Henan Province), Admission Office, Undergraduate College, Wuhan University Sept. 2021 - Jun. 2024
Minister, Department of Press and Publicity, School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan UniversityJuly 2021 - July 2022

Selected Honors

Outstanding Bachelor's Thesis at Wuhan University (Top 5%, in the School of Physics and Technology).2024
First Class Scholarship (Top 5%, for academic excellence, ¥3,000 CNY) by Wuhan University.2021


Interesting facts about myself